Tip #11 - Use email marketing to build customer relationships instead of just promoting products

Written on 17 February, 2011 by Charlotte Norman
Categories Email Marketing Marketing Tags email marketing

Email marketing is a cheap and successful way of reaching out to existing customers as well as developing a relationship with potential customers. Many businesses make the mistake of solely sending email marketing campaigns and EDMs (Electronic Direct Mails) to simply sell a service or product.

However, by doing this they are missing out on the opportunity of enhancing the relationship with customers and encouraging loyalty and repeat business.

E-mail marketing is a very popular tool for customer engagement; this is for a number of reasons. Firstly an exact Return on Investment (ROI) can be tracked. Furthermore the reach of email marketing is huge. It is estimated that over half of the Internet population check or send e-mails every single day.

A popular form of email marketing is newsletters or e-zines.  The content of these newsletters ranges from promotions to anything that you think your readers/customers might find of interest. Remember to keep this content fresh and relevant.

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